Creating Space for Wholeness – Session 9

Creating Space For Wholeness

13 Sessions To Reflect On The Journey Home To Who We Are Meant To Be

Facilitated By Karen Hilfman Author of The Mended Mirror


Session #9 of 13


A Time Of Reflection


  • As you read the quote and story below and consider a step in The Connection Strategy, notice what you notice as you read. Does a word, phrase or concept tug at your attention?
  • Does a quote or insight emerge for you in this time of reflecting as together we listen for and commit to choosing pathways that lead to life and love and light rather than death and hatred, that lead us home to who we are meant to be?
  • What insights rise up from your experience as we hold space to focus on and empower a vision of wholeness and well-being? What are the lessons we need to be learning? What are the shifts we are embracing or need to embrace?
  • What wisdom and creativity is emerging for you? What stories and situations fill you with hope? Are there quotes or stories or experiences that you would add to deepen these reflections?


Connection Strategy For Self And Community: From Disconnected To Connected

13 Steps to Connect to the Power of Transformation, Meaning, Purpose and the Authenticity Within Each of Us to Enhance Our Life Together in Community

Step # 9    Energize the vision and longings that emerge from deep within. Disconnect from focusing on and energizing what we don’t want to grow.




Book Dedication:

To All of Us

On the Journey to Wholeness



Coming home to ourselves;

connecting to the Wisdom within us and amongst us

to create Community that reflects our True Essence,

imbuing the world with hope through the power

of the Universal Consciousness of Love

found deep within the centre of who we are.

Through Authentic Connection to Self, Community and the Earth,

through recognizing the Earth, one another and ourselves as Beloved,

through acknowledging and honouring our oneness with all of life,

through deep listening and deepening conversation,

through alignment with the flow of life-giving energy,

—we expand our capacity to create Community and the Commons

where together we imagine and engage possibilities

to journey toward a transformed way of being

rooted in and empowered by love

creating space for the emergence of

a lived vision of the well-being of all.


As a result of connecting in a deeply authentic way

we see life differently;

no longer are we bound by small-ego thinking that is rooted in

limitations, entitlement, blame and the compulsion to protect our territory;

rather we see creative possibilities, interconnection,

abundance and incredible goodness.


We shift from an ego to an ecological perspective

in order to become resilient and sustainable

in all aspects of life;

economics, ethics, academics, decision-making and politics

which all reflect the way we

engage in relationships

at personal, local and global levels.


The journey to wholeness awakens us

to the light that emanates from the centre of all of life,

which longs to illuminate a pathway forward that is empowered by love.

While this light is often covered over by

the demands, destruction, brokenness and noise of life,

it is not extinguished;

it remains constant in its essence and presence.

The experience of wholeness,

arising from developing

an intentional Culture of Authentic Connection,

is a way of being

when we choose to see

our self, one another, the Earth, and all of life

with eyes of love and with hearts open to possibilities.


Dedication Page The Mended Mirror by Karen Hilfman Millson







… The vision of my whole family expressing forgiveness and love through the words of the ancient Hawaiian prayer Ho’oponopono feels like a reflection of the spiritual journey of life. We keep being cracked open to deepening awareness and circling deeper into love. We are awakened to our brokenness, and in our awakening we are cracked open to greater capacity for compassion to expand, for creativity to emerge, for relationships to deepen, and for respectful sharing to be our way of living. As we spiral into the transforming power of love, we discover the wholeness that is amongst us, too often covered over by the rubble of our lives.

As we reconnect to the power of love, we are compelled to be part of mending the world—to become a place where no one is considered to be of greater value than another, where we work together to develop solutions that honour the Earth and each other, where we seek to listen to the intelligence of many voices, and where love both empowers us and challenges us to walk a pathway together that leads to loving wholeness, with wisdom and profound hope as our guides.

Choosing to ensure that in our lives and in our world there is space for the resilience of beauty, curiosity, healing and wonder to emerge energizes us to evolve our capacity for joy, creativity, collaboration and authentic connection. These capacities enable us to move toward our purpose of mending our Earth community.

A key step on this journey will be reconciliation, of listening deeply to honour the stories of brokenness so that we can intentionally learn and move forward together to build right relations.


Page 419 The Mended Mirror by Karen Hilfman Millson


Sharing Your Reflections


To add your thoughts to this conversation post them on the Course page under each session of Creating Space for Wholeness on or or on Facebook.  Or simply be intentional about holding prayerful space knowing we connect heart to heart across the miles and time, and that together we are empowering and strengthening the things to which we give our attention.

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