To deepen the experience of authentic connection to self, others and wisdom to create space for the powerful gift of Authentic Connection Culture.
From Disconnected To Connected A 13-Step Connection Strategy For Self And Community
13 Steps to Connect to the Power of Transformation, Meaning, Purpose and the Authenticity Within Each of Us to Enhance Our Life Together in Community:
- Connect authentically with self and others.
Disconnect from expectations that are external or in opposition to your true self; disconnect from building walls within that separate you from You and from the people around you; disconnect from wearing masks to hide behind.
2. Develop intrinsic motivation.
Disconnect from insecurity, judgment and the need for external affirmation, which can destabilize our connection to our core.
3. Release, lament and claim the insights.
Disconnect from being a victim to old wounds.
4. See differently.
Disconnect from dumping energetic garbage on others or ourselves.
5. Expand compassion, curiosity and laughter.
Disconnect from our small-ego self, which focuses on defending territory, a sense of entitlement and personal desires as the highest goal.
6. Speak truth simply.
Disconnect from blame and judgment.
7. Listen for inner guidance.
Disconnect from dishonouring and ignoring inner wisdom.
8. Reclaim power and purpose.
Disconnect from wandering through life feeling powerless.
9. Energize the vision and longings that emerge from deep within.
Disconnect from focusing on and energizing what we don’t want to grow.
10. Create authentic relationships of connection.
Disconnect from being fearful and phony.
11. Engage in significant conversations that include laughter, tears and lots of wonderings.
Disconnect from shallow, veneer-thin dialogue filled with catty comments and opinions that are declared as “the” answer.
12. Tap into the wisdom and creativity of future possibilities.
Disconnect from dependence on logic and past experience as the only valued guides.
13. Live your call: trust your intuition and gut response.
Disconnect from living the life you think you “should” live and start living the life your passion calls you to live.