Creating Space For Wholeness
13 Sessions To Reflect On The Journey Home To Who We Are Meant To Be
Facilitated By Karen Hilfman Author of The Mended Mirror
Session #6 of 13
A Time Of Reflection
- As you read the quote and story below and consider a step in The Connection Strategy, notice what you notice as you read. Does a word, phrase or concept tug at your attention?
- Does a quote or insight emerge for you in this time of reflecting as together we listen for and commit to choosing pathways that lead to life and love and light rather than death and hatred, that lead us home to who we are meant to be?
- What insights rise up from your experience as we hold space to focus on and empower a vision of wholeness and well-being? What are the lessons we need to be learning? What are the shifts we are embracing or need to embrace?
- What wisdom and creativity is emerging for you? What stories and situations fill you with hope? Are there quotes or stories or experiences that you would add to deepen these reflections?
Connection Strategy For Self And Community: From Disconnected To Connected
13 Steps to Connect to the Power of Transformation, Meaning, Purpose and the Authenticity Within Each of Us to Enhance Our Life Together in Community
Step # 6 Speak truth simply. Disconnect from blame and judgment.
Story & Quote
In the fall of 2014, I have a profound experience when I clearly articulate the passion that motivates me. I am invited by the new mayor of our community to provide the invocation for the inauguration of the city council. The writing of this invocation is a turning point for me. I hear myself articulating how my passion can impact the world.
The words for the invocation pour out of me with a power that captures with clarity the understanding that stirs deep within me. It is deeply connected to all the learning that I have experienced through Mom as well as the alternative perspectives and wisdom I have connected to since the late 1990s. I do little editing to my first version because it feels like it resonates with what I am called to say. It reflects the need for us to awaken to the ancient and alternative wisdom that longs to emerge in each of our personal lives, in our relationships throughout the city and beyond to the world.
It is December 1, 2014 when I share this invocation in the council chambers. I feel centred and grounded when I rise to offer these words:
In this time of invocation we begin with gratitude,
by thanking each of you
for responding to the call
to offer yourself in service to this community;
to offer yourself as ones who seek to be open to the future possibilities
of the new story that is longing to emerge.
We pause on this night to take note of this incredible moment …
I invite us to notice our breath as we breathe deeply …
breathing the gift of breath, the gift of Spirit …
feeling our being expand …
feeling our hearts gentle …
feeling our minds open …
being very aware of where we are …
the sacredness of the place where we are and the time that is now.
This place where we gather, on the shores of two lakes
gives birth to new life
through the narrow place where the two lakes meet.
It is a sacred place filled with creativity.
It is a place known from ancient times
as a powerful place of gathering in peace.
There is an energy here that nourishes and revitalizes
and will guide us, if we listen.
And so I encourage you as the council
to create space for the gift of the energy of this place,
pausing often in your work to listen to the wisdom
that is longing to emerge
from the land, the wind, the waters and the people.
You stand in a powerful place but also in a powerful time
for this is a time of new beginnings, not just as a council,
but a time when we, in our global community,
are letting go of the old story of domination and control
and moving into a new story rooted in collaboration;
rooted in images of wholeness
of life being like a community garden
rather than like a machine that is driven.
One of our many creative people in our community
pianist and author Michael Jones notes
that we are in a new time of
“crafting a world where life can thrive.”[1]
We are in the midst of a time of transition and transformation:
it is a time of letting go of belief in our limitations
to shift toward belief in possibilities;
a time of shifting from resource extraction to eco-sustainability;
a time of moving from fear to rejoicing in our diversity;
a time of identifying well-being not by accumulation of wealth
but by the health of our community and natural environment.
It is a time of moving from hoarding to sharing;
from passive to active citizenship;
a time of cooperation and partnership.
This is a time for us to listen deeply to the story of this place,
to listen to the deep longing of humanity
so that together we journey toward
creating life-giving community.
Creative Energy,
Wisdom of Ancestors and Spirit,
Holy Presence that calls us to journey together toward wholeness:
Come and be known whenever this council gathers;
Come and fill the space
with gentleness that inspires
and a spirit of life-giving collaborative community.
May blessings be poured upon and awakened within
these ones who have been chosen to serve;
blessings of creativity, of wisdom,
of being people who listen deeply and share honestly.
As you work together as members of this council,
may you see and celebrate the gifts and the light in each other;
may you listen for the deep wisdom that longs to emerge amongst you;
may you trust and anticipate that together
you will find a way forward that is filled with possibilities
that will honour the energy of the land and the lakes,
the wind and the sun.
May you be guided to honour this place of gathering
by deepening a sense of celebration of life.
And we, as the people of this city,
will hold you in our prayers,
surround you with grace,
and encourage you with our thoughts.
And now mayor and council members,
may you go forth into this calling with a daring and bold vision.
Go in peace.
And all that you do,
may you do it by the power of light and love
that is deep in the core of your being,
may you do it by the power of the Spirit and the energy of this land
that awaken wisdom and creativity
and call us to wholeness.
May it be so. Amen!
Page 366 The Mended Mirror by Karen Hilfman Millson
Sharing Your Reflections
To add your thoughts to this conversation post them on the Course page under each session of Creating Space for Wholeness on or or on Facebook. Or simply be intentional about holding prayerful space knowing we connect heart to heart across the miles and time, and that together we are empowering and strengthening the things to which we give our attention.
[1] Jones, Michael. The Soul of Place: Re-Imagining Leadership Through Nature, Art and Community (Victoria, BC: Friesen Press, 2014). Jones, Michael. Artful Leadership; Awakening the Commons of the Imagination (Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2006).